The problems of Italian minority should be dealt with in the frame of the Alps - Adria community

Trieste, 12 September - The advisor to the Democratic Party of the Left, Mrs. Perla Lusa, addressed a question to the president of the regional government Mr. Adriano Biasutti, regarding the status of the Italian minority in Slovenia and Croatia that was upheld also by the head of the socialist advisory group, Mr. Dario Tersar. Mr. Biasutti is being asked whether he thinks it appropriate that this Italian region should address the issue of the Italian minority in the frame of the cultural and political community of Alps - Adria. At this occasion they should also examine the problems faced by the minority and look for appropriate means that would guarantee identity as well as development to the minority and acknowledge the role that it plays regarding the cooperation between the bordering regions. This initiative, in which cultural and political forces as well as institutions and refugee associations should take part, should be brought to fruition with the cooperation from the new leadership of the Association of Italians for Istria and Rijeka. Mrs. Perla Lusa backs her argumentation with the fact that local political forces unanimously support the Italians in Yugoslavia, that the stability of the borders is not questionable and that the minority is a crucial factor in the integration and development of the upper-adriatic regions.

© STA, 1991