A model Residence Law

Ljubljana, 26 September - The Club of the Representatives of the Liberal - Democratic Party expressed their contentment with the way the new Residence Law is being formed. The Club of the Representatives of this party advocated a concept of the reform that should provide an efficient and rational administration of the residence facilities. They stressed the need for a simple transformation of the current residence right into an unrestricted lease relationship in such a way that the position of the holders of the residence right should not deteriorate. The Residence Law also took into consideration the interests of those that contributed financially to the residence facilities but were unable to ensure the residence right for themselves. The Club thus proposed possible solutions for the question of residence-loan holders, proposed a formation of a non-profit residence pool and backed the idea of a residence fund, that should provide financial assistance to people trying to solve their lodging problems. In this way they upheld the concept of a modern residence management with pronounced individual responsibility of people for the resolution of their own residence needs with the assistance provided by the state. The Club of the Representatives is however not satisfied with the unsolved status of those residence right holders that live in apartments that should under the Denationalization Law pass again into the hands of the original owners. They proposed an amendment to the effect that the original owners should be recompensed for their former property while the residence right owners would be given the opportunity to purchase the apartments in which they already live.

© STA, 1991