Statement by Movement for peace culture and non-violence

Ljubljana, 8 October - On the occasion of the expiry of the moratorium, the Movement for peace culture and non-violence issued a special statement signed by peace activists Sašo Gazdič, Marko Hren, Vlasta Jalušič, Tonči Kuzmanič and Tomaž Mastnak. The signatories express solidarity with and support to all those people, especially in Serbia and Montenegro, who reject and condemn military intervetions of the Yugoslav army and Serbian-Montenegrin units in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. "We particularly support those who are courageous enough to refuse to be mobilized in these difficult times. The introduction a few days ago of summary procedure in Serbia further aggravets their position. We call on international and domestic human rights organizations to severely condemn that practice. We are aware that among those who lost their lives there were many mobilized people who had refused to carry out the orders and that such people could best contribute to changing the Serbian policy of force and conquest and are thereby deserving of comprehensive support and encouragement. It is such people who must commit themselves to halting the greatest cultural catastrophe being experienced by the Serbian people on the eve of a new millenium, under Milošević's rule.

© STA, 1991