The salaries of the workers in the social activities to be discussed at the Government session
Ljubljana, 17 October - Problems connected with the medical care were scrutinized on yesterday's session of the Slovenian Government that passed a resolution to establish a calculational basis for the amount of the budgetary expenditure that should be available for the salaries of the workers working in the establishments that have budgetary funding. These encompass the public establishments in the fields of education and development, science, culture, sport, medical care, children care and social care. The resolution asserts that the calculational basis for the salaries in these establishments is the full monthly equivalent. This basis was set by the Collective Agreement for nonentreprenneurial activities of the Republic of Slovenia and amounts 58% of the average monthly salary in the business activities minus 20% for the next three months. The Government also passed the documents relating to tariff classes for the different professions, that are based on their different requirements, and sets the coefficients for the evaluation of the budgetary expenditure to be used for salaries. In this way all the budgetary consumers in the social activities will be brought to an equal status. The Government also reiterated the offer given to the strike representatives of the medical care workers. Its offer means that medical care is to obtain 14% more funding in the next three months to be spent for the salaries alone what amounts to 117 million SLT per month till the end of this year. The Government also addressed the problem of how to ensure enough money to cover the expenditures connected with the care and lodging for the Croatian refugees in the period of October 5 to 15. To cover the expenditure the Slovenian Government reimbursed the Civilian Defense Headquarters in the amount of 10 million SLT.