Objections to new health legislation

Ljubljana, 22 October - The Assembly of Slovenia Committe for labour, employment and social welfare policy today held a debate on new health legislation. Most of the criticism related to the draft Law on health protection and health insurance, actually the concept itself of the Law which envisages the introduction of a double insurance system and the abolishment of the national health protection system. Certain articles of the Law are vaguely formulated and as such cause new problems. The new system of management and the role of individual professional orgnizations and political institutions in that system have not been clearly defined. The draft law on health protection and insurance has not been clearly shaped either, and in the form it has been offered would affect those who need medical help the most. The new insurance system, which will consist of the obligatory and voluntary insurances, will in the long-term burden on the insurees less than now. The obligatory insurance will continue to be covered from gross personal incomes, whereas for all services under the voluntary insurance the insurees will pay 300 SLT per month calculated at the current prices.

© STA, 1991