The alternative government proposes a law to curb the work in private enterprises for the public administration workers

Ljubljana, 24 October - Today the alternative government made public its intention to propose a law on the incompatibility of the public administration functions with the ownership of private enterprises. As its President Mr. Emil M. Pintar said today, the changes in the political system spawned numerous changes in the legal organization thus making the question of the compatibility of the active ownership in a private enterprise with the administering of certain political functions all the more outstanding. Even though the questions on the entrepreneurial activities of the ministers have been repeatedly addressed during the parliamentary debates the Government has provided no real answers. Some representatives of the opposition parties thus propose a law to regulate such activities. These matters are treated differently in different countries notwithstanding a strong control over the public administration workers that are owners of private enterprises. The law should clearly state which positions in the public administration are incompatible with private enterprise. It has also been suggested that anybody partaking in the public administration should present a statement on his or hers proprietorship that should remain essentially unchanged for the duration of the mandate and even a certain period after that. Legal sanctions should be provided for those not complying to the law.

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