Slovenia at SITEF '91

Ljubljana, 28 October - Today the Minister of Research and Technology Dr. Peter Tancig and the Minister of Information Jelko Kacin, have, with the help of representatives of companies present at "one of the technologicaly and commercially most important meetings in Europe", presented their view of the five day event at Toulouse, France (10.22. - 19.26.). Slovenia presented its most recent technologies under the name of Slovenia - Eureka. Among 180 presentations from 23 countries, Slovenia presented its general social conditions, some prominent Slovene scientists, its tourist capacities, and the top technology in its production. The organizer prepared a formal banquet and a press conference, named The Slovenian Day, during which Jelko Kacin, Zoran Thaler, and Dr. Peter Tancig promoted Slovenia's cause. Members of the Slovene delegation also visited "Airbus" to see the advance of works done on the Adria Airways aircraft damaged during the war.

© STA, 1991