Krka Boom Not Enough For SBI 20

Ljubljana, 17 October - Drug maker Krka continued its record-breaking surge on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange on Monday, gaining 3.5% to hit an all-time high of SIT 93,833 (EUR 391.62) in spirited trading. In spite of the outstanding performance, the SBI 20 benchmark index edged 0.94 points lower to 4,443.35 as other blue chips struggled. Below is a roundup of indices on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange following today's trading:

Benchmark Index, SBI 20            4,443.35 pts      -0.94 pts         -0.02%
Investment Fund Index, PIX         4,093.71          +3.43             +0.08%
Bond Index, BIO                      123.13          -0.13             -0.11%
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