General instructions

Check the box next to the preferred search type. You can chose among all words, any words or advanced search. In advanced search, the search string must contain the operators AND (&), OR (|) or NO (!).

You can speed up the search by limiting the search period or by selecting individual categories.

To additionally limit the number of results, search only by headings or ledes.

Advanced search is intended for advanced users. By using operators, you can define more complex search criteria than searching with "all words", "any word" or by root.

| OR
! NO
* Search by root
(, ) grouping of criteria


Searches for news items containing the words "speaker", "national" and "assembly". The search engine will also search for news items containing words with the same root.

Searches for news items containing the words "speaker", "national" and "assembl" as well as words derived from them. This search will return hits for "speakers of national assemblies".

Searches for news items containing the word "speaker" and derived words along with either the words "national" and "assembl" and derived words or "government" and derived words.

Searches for news items containing the word "speaker", "national" and "assembl" and derived words and which do not contain the word "government" and its derived words.

The * can be placed only at the end of a word.

If there are no brackets, the search engine applies the criteria from left to right.

Basic search

Basic search means that search engine will try to find articles with all the words. Results will be sorted by score, with best score on top. If you wish to resort the results chronologically, click on the "Time" table header.

Operators + and - can be used in basic search. The first one tells the search engine that matched articles must contain the word, the second that it must not. The search string Krka -stock would find articles containing the word "Krka", but not containing the word "stock".

Quotes may be used in basic search to enclose phrases. The search string "prime minister" will find articles containing the phrase "prime minister", while the search string without quotes, i.e. prime minister would also find articles, where the words are not used together.