Slovenia Showers Officials with Gifts

Brussels, 20 June - Heads of state and government traditionally get gifts at from the presiding EU country at the EU summits. The last summit under Slovenia's presidency is no different and officials as well as journalists covering the event will receive symbolic gifts to remind them of Slovenia.

Brussels, Belgium
The Slovenian EU presidency gives EU leaders a porcelain tray to complement the tea set that they got at the first EU summit under the Slovenian presidency in March.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Brussels, Belgium
EU foreign ministers get a ceramic flask as a gift from the Slovenian EU presidency.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Brussels, Belgium
EU foreign ministers get a ceramic flask as a gift from the Slovenian EU presidency.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Brussels, Belgium
EU foreign ministers get a ceramic flask as a gift from the Slovenian EU presidency.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Brussels, Belgium
EU foreign ministers get a ceramic flask as a gift from the Slovenian EU presidency.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Brussels, Belgium
The Slovenian EU presidency gives EU leaders a porcelain tray to complement the tea set that they got at the first EU summit under the Slovenian presidency in March.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

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