Coronavirus outbreak in Slovenia entering second phase

Ljubljana, 12 March - The coronavirus outbreak in Slovenia is gradually entering the second phase, which will likely necessitate triggering the national emergency plan, Health Minister Aleš Šabeder said as he arrived for the weekly cabinet session on Thursday.

Ljubljana, vlada. Izjava za medije po prvem primeru potrjene okužbe s koronavirusom. Minister za zdravje Aleš Šabeder. Foto: Daniel Novakovič/STA

Ljubljana, vlada.
Izjava za medije po prvem primeru potrjene okužbe s koronavirusom.
Minister za zdravje Aleš Šabeder.
Foto: Daniel Novakovič/STA

The government has already decided that all educational institutions will be closed starting on Monday. Other measures will be proposed as well, according to Šabeder.

Slovenia will get a new government Friday evening after the college of deputy group leaders decided today to hold an emergency session as soon as the last committee hearings wrap up.

Janez Janša, the new prime minister, announced on Twitter today that the new government would immediately take additional measures if the outgoing government failed to do so.

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