Municipalities to get higher advance payments for relief effort

Ljubljana, 8 August - Municipalities will get advance payments for flood relief effort totalling 40% of the estimated damage under amendments to the Natural Disaster Relief Act that the government adopted on Tuesday, up from the original proposal of a 20% advance payment.

Mayor of Kočevje Vladimir Prebilič speaking to the press after mayors met with government ministers, including PM Robert Golob (left).
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

Natural Resources Minister Uroš Brežan and PM Robert Golob speaking to the press after a meeting with mayors on flood relief efforts.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

The change means that the funds will cover the entire costs of the emergency effort under way since massive floods hit Slovenia last Friday which is estimated at around EUR 100 million, according to Prime Minister Robert Golob.

The announcement came after the government met with the representatives of all three associations of municipalities. Golob said the ministers wanted to get first-hand information from the local communities and exchange views on potential next steps.

Some of the proposals from mayors will be included in upcoming legislative changes. Another meeting will take place next week so any additional proposals may be considered.

Slovenj Gradec Mayor Tilen Kugler, whose municipality was hit very hard, said the meeting was useful. "If the government lends an ear to us, who are on the ground around the clock, the relief effort will be much easier," he said.

Kugler was confident that the damage will be repaired with joint efforts given that the government has accepted mayors' proposals.

Kočevje Mayor Vladimir Prebilič said the meeting was two-pronged, focusing on the ongoing effort and on the future. "Once the worst is behind us and the cameras are turned off, people will remain with their challenges," he said.

The idea is to draft a strategic law that will deal with all segments of the relief efforts and all the challenges detected on the ground. Prebičič said municipalities will be a constructive partner.

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