Golob calls for gradual EU accession

Granada, 6 October - Slovenia is in favour of dividing the EU accession process of candidate countries into several stages, Prime Minister Robert Golob said as he arrived at Friday's informal meeting of EU leaders in Granada, Spain. Member states should approve the candidates' passage to the next stage by qualified majority, he said.

Grenada, Spain
Slovenian PM Robert Golob and Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez at an informal EU summit in Spain.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Grenada, Spain
Informal EU summit in Spain.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Grenada, Spain
Slovenian PM Robert Golob at an informal EU summit in Spain.
Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA

Prime Minister Robert Golob.
Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

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