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21:24 RU News roundup - Sunday, 6 August
21:19 ST Garnbret wins silver in lead at climbing worlds (adds)
statements in paras 3-5
21:09 AS Mura levee gash closed, but water volumes remain high
19:59 ST Pogačar wins bronze in road race at UCI World Championships (adds)
statements by Pogačar, detail throughout
19:32 AS Črna na Koroškem finally accessible by makeshift gravel road
18:14 AS EU Civil Protection Mechanism activated, Slovenia asks for heavy machinery
17:13 AS Slovenia triggers EU Civil Protection Mechanism over floods
16:11 AS Humanitarian aid starts coming to Slovenia after severe floods
15:50 AS Golob thanks Von der Leyen for offered assistance from EU (adds)
announcement of Von der Leyen's visit, expressions of support
14:40 BE Flood damage to small businesses estimated to be enormous
14:15 SE Schedule of events for Monday, 7 August
13:00 SE Schedule of events for 7-13 August
11:04 AS Storm warning issued for this afternoon
10:57 AS As floodwaters start to recede, landslides now main danger
9:34 AS Dutch tourists believed to be missing located
8:54 AS Situation at Mura levee break remains alarming (adds)
details throughout
8:41 AS Evacuation under way in Meža Valley
8:00 BE Majority of Slovenians spent summer holidays abroad in 2022
7:00 ST Čančar out of basketball worlds due to injury
6:00 AS Weather: Overcast with some rain
0:15 SE Schedule of events for Sunday, 6 August
0:05 AD News from Slovenia
News count: 22