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Time  Cat      Title 
20:53 RU News roundup - Thursday, 11 July
19:30 PO Golob says Slovenia not increasing aid to Ukraine
19:03 HE Matura exam results slightly better than last year
18:24 PO Committee approves changes to post-flood emergency law
18:07 PO Coalition parties reserved in comments on Patria defence deal
17:35 BE Conference discusses necessity of coal regions transition
17:26 PO Coalition moves to prevent glorification of Nazism, Fascism (adds)
response from opposition NSi in last two para
17:03 PO Golob says he has no understanding for Orban's Moscow visit
17:02 AS Harassment complaint against famous rapper dismissed
16:28 BE Stock market index adds a healthy 1.2%
16:01 HE Researcher Humar wins ERC grant for edible laser research
15:30 SE Schedule of events for Friday, 12 July
15:05 HE Ljubljana hospital sees more patients because of heatwave
15:00 RU News roundup - Thursday, 11 July, until 3pm
14:46 BE Krka group profit up 30% in January-June (adds)
info on dividends, supervisor appointment in lede and final four para
14:33 BE Five businessmen suspected of VAT fraud
14:14 AS Weather: Sultry and hot
13:50 PO SDS says Patria defence deal is ironic, NSi welcomes the move
13:49 AC The International Centre of Graphic Arts honours renowned artist with retrospective
13:27 BE New investor enters Primorske Novice
13:01 PO Slovenia highlights reconciliation on Srebrenica memorial day
12:08 PO Interior minister wraps up Montenegro visit
11:42 PO Slovenia first to ratify agreement to finance exhibition at Auschwitz
11:28 BE Takeover bid announced for savings bank
11:26 AS Survey finds Slovenians stop feeling young at 44
10:32 AS Four-day beer festival starts in Laško
10:28 PO Another community centre in Trieste passes into Slovenian minority's ownership
9:32 AC Slovenian theatre in focus of National Hall arson anniversary
8:31 PO Delo says war crimes are new norm
8:29 PO Daily headlines - Thursday, 11 July
8:25 PO Slovenia to buy APCs from Patria
6:00 AC Slovenian film for children premiers in Locarno
6:00 AS Weather: Sweltering hot
1:00 PO Dnevnik comments on NATO summit
0:15 SE Schedule of events for Thursday, 11 July
0:05 AD News from Slovenia
News count: 36