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Time  Cat      Title 
22:26 RU News roundup - Monday, 15 February
22:22 PO Motion of no confidence in government fails (roundup)
20:42 PO Govt proposes public sector payment system changes (adds)
response by trade unions in lede and final 5 paras
19:35 PO Anti-govt rally staged in front of parliament (adds)
updates in final para
18:03 PO SDS strongly in the lead in Delo's poll
16:04 BE SBI TOP slightly up
15:55 PO Erjavec says no-confidence vote is vote against authoritarian Slovenia (adds)
left-leaning opposition's views in last 8 para
15:52 PO Slovenian military getting new, hi-tech wear and equipment
15:49 PO Vox Populi: SDS remains in lead but loses ground
15:39 PO Janša says opposition wasting time and money with no-confidence vote (adds)
comments by coalition parties and SNS in final 7 para
15:36 SE Schedule of events for Tuesday, 16 February
15:04 HE No major problems reported as more students return to schools
15:01 BE Four bids received for spectrum auction
15:00 RU News roundup - Monday, 15 February, until 3pm
14:30 AS Weather: Sunny and warmer
13:44 AC Theatre producer Nevenka Koprivšek dies
12:41 HE 244 new infections confirmed on Sunday, 11 patients die
12:17 HE Slovenia expects 38,000 doses of vaccine this week, updates strategy
12:09 PO Opposition SocDems headquarters smeared with red paint
11:34 BE Value of construction work up 0.4% year-on-year in 2020
11:22 BE Average net wage up by almost 7% last year
10:54 BE Wood architecture on display in Tivoli Park
9:41 PO Reporter says Speaker Zorčič crucial for SMC staying in coalition
9:08 PO Delo expects polarisation in Slovenian political arena to continue
8:56 HE Dnevnik says lockdown easing is time to be responsible
8:23 PO Daily headlines - Monday, 15 February
8:00 AS Weather: Sunny and cold
1:00 BE Finance argues monetary revolution under way
0:30 HE Travel throughout country and limited gatherings allowed, shops open
0:30 PO No-confidence motion on parliament's agenda
0:15 SE Schedule of events for 15-21 February
0:15 SE Schedule of events for Monday, 15 February
0:05 AD News from Slovenia
News count: 33