
Time  Cat      Title 
19:23 PO Minister warns against discrimination over vaccination certificates
18:54 PO Hojs sceptical about support for Croatia joining Schengen zone
18:52 PO Slovenia advocates stricter approach on return of migrants
18:05 PO Coalition partners respond to PM's condemnation of solo plays
18:00 PO Poklukar unseats Pahor as most popular politician
16:54 PO Former DeSUS head and minister Pivec founding new party
16:11 PO Past must be confronted, SAZU says about reconciliation (adds)
statements by Pahor and Štih in final 3 paras
15:33 PO Social affairs segment of recovery plan lauded, says minister
15:06 PO Pahor nominates Tina Žumer as Banka Slovenije vice-governor
15:04 PO Minister Kustec, coalition reject criticism as opposition claims she must go
15:00 PO Vox populi: Govt with lowest rating ever, SDS improving still
14:39 PO Main phase of Cerklje air base modernisation nearing completion
12:49 PO Pahor and Moldovan counterpart discuss Covid-19 pandemic
12:47 PO MP Lep to leave DeSUS deputy group
11:46 PO Slovenian minority in Austria's Carinthia down to one mayor
11:34 PO Watchdog clears Hojs's land purchase of corruption risks
10:18 PO Tighter entry rules for daily migrant workers
9:40 PO Reporter finds DeSUS and SMC doomed
9:19 PO Dnevnik says Merkel's party punished for its MPs' conduct
8:42 PO Delo suggests voters weary of new parties
8:09 PO Daily headlines - Monday, 15 March
1:00 PO Večer looks at Syrian war ten years after it started
0:30 PO Parliament to vote on motion to dismiss education minister
News count: 23