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23:42 RU News roundup - Monday, 20 November (adds)
23:39 ST Slovenia qualify for the Euro 2024 (adds)
statements, details throughout
21:06 PO Fajon repeats call for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
19:51 AC Miha Kovač wins Schwentner Award
19:51 PO Ljubljana to have EUR 6.4m budget shortfall this year
18:49 PO Politicians on opposite banks over cattle seizure
18:16 PO Kučan urges peaceful resolution of disputes in Territorial Defence ceremony address
18:02 PO Analyst says rising share of undecided voters expected
18:01 PO Vox Populi poll: Support for govt, PM down, share of undecided voters up
17:26 BE 50 lose jobs as Laško Union stops soft drinks production in Ljubljana
17:24 HE Italian, Slovenian authorities conduct joint oil spill exercise
16:51 AS Polymath Supreme Court judge Vasilij Polič dies
16:49 BE Krvavec named best ski resort in Slovenia
16:25 BE Ljubljana stock market closes lower
16:22 HE Emergency work on rivers to be completed by end-2023, on roads by May
15:46 AC Robar Dorin, independent filmmaker in service of the underdog, dies
15:44 AS Eight Slovenians arrested for child pornography dissemination
15:30 SE Schedule of events for Tuesday, 21 November
14:54 PO Children have the right to peace, ministry says on World Children's Day
14:42 PO Watchdog confirms PM Golob being investigated over alleged pressure on ex-interior minister (adds)
response NSi and coalition parties in final 3 para
14:29 BE Regulated fuel prices going down
13:30 AS Weather: Partly clear and windy
12:28 BE Retailer Mercator in the red in 2022
12:12 AC Bohinj gets new war history museum
10:17 PO Ceasefire in Gaza will not be enough, paper says
10:05 PO Reporter says Golob should learn from Pahor
9:05 BE Finance shocked by state's attitude to Marinblu
8:42 PO Daily headlines - Monday, 20 November
6:30 AS Weather: Sunny in NE, cloudy elsewhere
0:30 PO MPs to discuss 2024, 2025 budgets at plenary
0:30 AC Slovenian Book Fair to honour Serbia, poet Kajuh
0:15 SE Schedule of events for Monday, 20 November
0:15 SE Schedule of events for 20-26 November
0:05 AD News from Slovenia
News count: 34