PM Golob to address European Parliament in December

Strasbourg, 20 October - Prime Minister Robert Golob is scheduled to address MEPs at the European Parliament plenary session on 13 October, the STA has learnt from sources at the European Parliament.

PM Robert Golob addressing the MPs as they talk the revised budget proposal for 2022 and an amendment to the law on budget implementation in 2022-2023.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

Addresses by EU leaders are a long-standing practice and Zuzana Čaputova, the president of Slovakia, for example delivered an address this week.

The last Slovenian prime minister to address MEPs was Janez Janša, when he presented the priorities of Slovenia's EU presidency in July last year.

However his predecessor, Marjan Šarec, decided against an address during his stint, which earned him sharp criticism at home that accompanied his short-lived government for months.

Šarec said at the time it would not be appropriate to do that just before the parliament's term ended since his speech could be construed as campaigning.

His critics argued he missed an opportunity to present Slovenia's positions.

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