World's largest toilet paper tube structure built

Domžale, 10 July - To raise awareness about the importance of recycling and saving, the Jarše Youth Association has constructed a church out of 87,423 toilet paper tubes, the largest of its kind in the world, in the hope of securing a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The Jarše Youth Association build the world's largest toilet paper tube sculpture.
Photo: The Jarše Youth Association

The Jarše Youth Association build the world's largest toilet paper tube sculpture.
Photo: Živa Ogrin/STA

The Jarše Youth Association build the world's largest toilet paper tube sculpture.
Photo: The Jarše Youth Association

The Jarše Youth Association build the world's largest toilet paper tube sculpture.
Photo: The Jarše Youth Association

The Jarše Youth Association build the world's largest toilet paper tube sculpture.
Photo: The Jarše Youth Association

The Christian youth association from Domžale, north-east of Ljubljana, has been gathering the tubes for 17 months by collecting them in schools, care homes, the local parish and other institutions.

They have managed to surpass their goal of 100.000 tubes by 40.000, but were not able to use all of them due to lack of space at the Groblje Culture Centre where structure is now on display for the next three weeks.

At 7.73 metres long, 4.77 metres wide and 5.58 metres tall, the structure is so big visitor can walk inside.

The participants of the summer camp hope their project will help raise awareness of how an individual's actions can make a difference if people were more economical and cut consumption.

They also wanted to highlight the power of collective action and the importance of eco-consciousness, Jerca Letnar, a member of the youth association, told the STA.

The project's head Timotej Čižek wishes that the project would encourage people to consider that even little things such as turning the lights off and being mindful of water consumption truly do have a great impact on the environment.

This is the second time the Jarše Youth Association is vying for a Guinness World Record, after setting one in 2012 with the world's longest hopscotch measuring 5.3 kilometres.

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